I was trying to think of how different this time feels. I know it’s close -so let me explain-
Trump is Rich and will tax the poor and middle class and it will all go to the rich.
Harris is for the people-working people, financially challenged and middle class.
She Will TAX the 1 percent of people—and there will be all day Kindergarten classes and more age3 on classes and we will have More of our roads fixed -and with these storms -we will need to tax the Rich to help the planet. If you’re thinking you’ll live on MARS-are you a multi millionaire? Because only the Rich win when you elect Him.
Elect Her to tax the 1 percent. Then, we can have what 31 countries already have!
Clean Air! Clean water!
How many billionaires do we need -when it’s only six billion To End Hunger and NO ONE has asked six billionaires for a billion each.
Do we have any billionaires who want to save our world?
Vote Harris for a future!