It Sucks to be on Food Stamps

by Leslie Jacobs

I work therefore in a perfect world I’d make enough to afford food, heat, clothes and shelter.   

But it’s not. So I depend on DSS of CT to give me $191 a month for nourishment.  They wanted paperwork Turbo Tax won’t give them after a certain time. So I waited a month. It was the holidays and food was being given to me at a wonderful rate.  In January I applied again online and they called. On a Saturday when my phone was turned off. So I called back on Monday , and then on Tuesday waiting at least two to three hours and then I had to go to work. I have two jobs and my organizing business.  If I can’t reach them by phone Ill just go down there. At 9am the line was out the door. I got inside about 10am. Seeing the 47 people in line ahead of me-I felt loss until a woman sitting next to me told me to call DSS Commission. I’m waiting for a call back. 

Wish me luck!