I asked for a shopping spree and on Thursday a man tattooed and pierced got out of his car at the same time I did. He was holding a boxer puppy and as we both walked in the Goodwill. He told me the price and I said I’m on food stamps.
He then asked if he could buy me anything I wanted. So I went shopping for some summer clothes-and new moisturizer socks! I spent $41.00 dollars and the 10 minutes was a lot of fun. He told me this happens on YouTube a lot but didn’t have his camera. I gave him a hug and asked if he was voting for Biden -Joshu (Shu) is his name and said I knew you were going to ask me that
I gave him a hug and went on my way -I texted him later -Thank you.
What a great soul. His energy was infectious. Yes, he is voting for Biden.
Thanks Shu!